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Children’s book, A story of appreciating our differences and finding out similarities.

About the Book

While the book is aimed at elementary age children, I’m hoping the message might speak to some adults as well. We live in a world where different is seen as wrong. Different is good, it makes our world interesting. Like a beautiful quilt made from different colors. I’ve said who would want a world where everyone was like me. That would be boring and we would all be talking at the same time. I want our children to embrace being unique, accept others, show tolerance, and love. It’s good to have different opinions. That broadens our minds. What is not good is when those differences cause someone or groups to lash out at others or deny them basic human rights. I want a world where we can have a conversation with someone who thinks differently and walk away saying “wow, that was interesting” or “I never thought of it like that”.

The book is about animals doing hard work for the winter and an observer, Mr. Owl, thinking that maybe they can work together to reduce the work. They can be unique, but also find similarities and ways to help each other out.

Perhaps a bit of introspective on how they interact with
someone who is different from them and being good with that. It’s similarities
that bind us together. 

Being a mom and now a “Grams” I’m writing this from the hope of a better future for our children, grandchildren, and beyond. That we can embrace the wonder in each of us being an original.